makes me是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-10-28 14:22:23 浏览次数:159
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相似词语短语makes of───了解;用…制造
makes up───组成;补足;化妆;编造
makes over───转让;移交;修改
make sure───确信;证实
make time───腾出时间;抽空;争取时间(=makethetime)
makes for───导致;有助于;走向
makes off───v.逃走;离开;匆忙离开
makes out───理解;辨认出;说明;填写;设法应付
make a move───走一步;开始行动;搬家
双语使用场景His hypocrisy makes me sick.───他的虚伪让我恶心。
She always makes me laugh.───她总是让我发笑。
The very thought of it makes me feel sick.───一想到这事就使我恶心。
"Why would I go and see a doctor? " he said. "There is nothing wrong with me. Eating chilies makes me feel great. "───他说:“为什么要去看医生呢?我没有毛病,吃辣椒让我觉得很棒。”
But I find that to get a good workout a couple of times a week actually makes me feel more energetic.───我认为一周进行一两次比较的剧烈的锻炼确实使我感到精力充沛。
It is one of the defects of my character that I cannot altogether dislike anyone who makes me laugh.───我不能讨厌一个能惹我发笑的人,这也许是我性格上的一个弱点。
To be honest, yes. You know smoking is bad for your health. Besides, I'm really allergic to smoke. It makes me sick and gives me a headache.───说实话,不行。你知道,抽烟对你的健康没好处。而且,我对烟味过敏,它让我恶心,还让我头疼。
The length of time he took makes me believe that he didn't dare do that.───但由于他花了这么长的时间,我相信他不敢这么做。
"God, no! " I say. I imagine his face if I called him my boyfriend. Ha. I feel quite sure he would be horrified. The idea makes me laugh.───“天哪,不是!”我回答。我想象如果把他称作男友时他的面容。哈。我敢肯定他会大惊失色。这个想法让我大笑。
英语使用场景A heavy lunch makes me sluggish in the afternoon.
The very thought of it makes me feel sick.
Just thinking about the accident makes me shudder.
He's so funny he always makes me laugh.
I can't wear wool - it makes me itch.
This music always makes me sad.
It makes me so —— I just get angry.
What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.
She makes me feel dowdy and ugly.