under observation是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-10-28 15:42:58 浏览次数:131
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相似词语短语under consideration───在考虑之中的
weather observation───[气象]天气观测
acute observation───敏锐的观察
mass observation───民意调查
sharp observation───敏锐的观察力
wry observation───扭曲的观察
careful observation───细致观察
双语使用场景The new breed is under observation.───新品种正在观察中.
Provisions for retesting are included under Observation and Interpretation of Results.───在结果的观测与理解项下包含了复验的规定.
The patient was kept under observation all night.───这位病人被观察了一整夜.
She should be kept under observation for 12 hours.───她应当被监视12小时.
She was kept under observation for three nights.───她被监视了三个晚上.
This indicates that the soil under observation was clayey or loamy.───这说明所研究的土壤属亚粘土或垆坶土.
One of the two stepped forward. He said, "We have had your people under observation a long time."───那两人中的一个走上前说道:“我们对你们的人已经观察很久了。”
Family members and close contacts were placed under observation.───已将家庭成员和密切接触者置于观察之下。
The doctors are under observation.───这些医生目前正在观察之中。
He was under observation by the police.───他受到警方严密监视.
He came under observation as soon as he left the prison.───他一出狱就受到人们关注.
She is in hospital under observation.───她在医院里接受观察.
The detective was keeping the house under observation because he thought the murderer lived there.───侦探正密切注视着这座房子的动静,因为他认为杀人犯住在那里.
Keep him under observation.───他受到监视.
Are You currently under observation or taking any treatment or medication?───阁下是否现正接受观察、接受任何形式的治疗或正服用药物?
This suspect comes under observation.───这个可疑分子受到监视.
The doctor decided to keep him under observation for another week.───医生决定记他留在医院里再观察一星期.
In hospital she'll be under observation all the time.───医院会对她24小时密切观察。
英语使用场景Keep him under observation.