bell rang是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-10-28 15:45:44 浏览次数:282
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相似词语短语bell crank───双臂曲柄,曲柄
bell cranks───双臂曲柄,曲柄
bell ringer───(教堂等的)撞钟人;摇铃者;敲钟器
belly pans───肚皮锅
belly tank───n.辅助油箱
ball race───滚珠座圈;[机]轴承座圈
bell cranker───钟形曲柄
bell frog───钟蛙
bell jar───钟形玻璃罩或容器
双语使用场景Very soon afterward a bell rang and she rolled up her knitting.───一会儿,铃响了,她卷起了她在织的东西。
Finally the lunch bell rang.───午餐钟声终于响起。
The children were drilled to leave the classroom quickly when the fire bell rang.───孩子们接受了如何在火警拉响时迅速离开教室的训练。
Then we play space war, the bell rang when I pushed down on the throttle hard shot did not dodge the opponent's attack.───接着我们玩太空战车,铃声一响我便踩下油门拼命的开枪并不时的躲闪对方的攻击。
When the bell rang at the end of the day, Lisa was one of the first girls out of the classroom door.───在最后铃声响起的时候,丽莎是第一个走出教室门的。
I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the door-bell rang loud enough to wake the dead.───我刚走回厨房,门铃又响了,响得足以把死人吵醒。
Six o 'clock in the morning, the alarm clock ringing the bell rang, just a way of microcontinent up, and get up on time.───早晨6点,闹钟清脆的铃声一响,林浩就一股路爬止来,准时起床。
The front-door bell rang. The landlady answered it. Sarah left the book and listened. Oh, yes; you would, just as she DID!───前门的铃响了,房东太太开了门,萨拉放下书来听。哦,是的,要是你,也会跟她一样的。
A bell rang, the engine whistle screeched, and the train began to move, not to stop again for several hours.───铃声响了,引擎发出尖锐的汽笛声,火车开始移动了,几个小时之内不会再停下来。
英语使用场景The bell rang for the lesson to begin.
The bell rang for the end of break.
He shot out of school when the bell rang.
The bell rang at 20-minute intervals.
When the bell rang, the children swarmed out of the school.
As soon as the bell rang, the captain gave orders to cast off, and the voyage began.
The bell rang again insistently.
The chimes of the huge bell rang in the New Year.
The bell rang clear.