a red light是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-10-28 16:19:46 浏览次数:45
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相似词语短语red light───危险信号,红灯
backed light───[车辆]后灯;背景光
gassed light───煤气灯
amber light───黄灯;琥珀灯;琥珀色灯光
angel light───天使之光(图片名)
arc light───弧光;弧光灯
ashen light───灰光
hard light───强光
red lights───危险信号,红灯
双语使用场景He was killed at an intersection by a driver who went through a red light.───他在十字路口被一个闯红灯的司机撞死了。
The guy just ran a red light.───这家伙刚刚闯红灯了。
's illegal to drive through a red light.───开车闯红灯是违章行为。
Yesterday he stopped at a red light, and a man came up behind him on another bicycle.───昨天他停车等红灯时,一个人骑自行车从后面到他跟前。
Today, I was sitting at a red light when a homeless man began to walk up to my car.───今天我停在红灯前,一个要饭的向我走过来。
At the beginning, I knew only about a young teenage girl imprisoned on the third floor of a brothel in a red-light district here in Kolkata.───事件一开始,我所知道的仅仅是在加尔各答红灯区某座妓院的三楼房间里囚禁着一位年幼的少女。
I realise not all cyclists are bad; just a few months ago, I saw one stop at a red light.───我知道,不是所有的骑车人都不好。就在几个月前,我还看见一位骑车人在红灯处停了下来。
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan used their lightsabers to break through the door. Immediately, a red light began to pulse.───魁刚和欧比万用光剑强行打开大门,一道红色的光线开始闪烁。
Imagine the poor guy on the ground, sitting there at a red light, as a flaming five car pile-up is hurdling down towards him from the sky.───想像一下在地上的那位可怜的哥们儿,正等着红灯呢,就眼看着五辆燃着大火的车从天上向他砸过来。
英语使用场景He stopped for a red light, prepared to make a right-hand turn as soon as the arrow flicked green.
The driver had failed to stop at a red light.
A red light is usually a signal for/of danger.
The police fined her for driving through/jumping a red light.
He drove through a red light .
A red light flashed on the control panel.
A red light flashed on, but there was no apparent sound.
He drove straight through a red light.
It's illegal to drive through a red light.