empty spaces是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-10-28 17:45:34 浏览次数:97
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相似词语短语empty space───真空,真空区;架空层;空档
sample spaces───[数]样本空间;试样空间;取样空间
ample space───充足的空间;宽敞的空间
deep spaces───外太空;外层空间(等于outerspace)
empty beach───空旷的海滩
empty glass───空玻璃杯
empty seat───空座位
empty street───空荡荡的街道
empty suits───金玉其外的商人;徒有其表的行政人员或专业人事
双语使用场景So Meebo could use IM as a base - and utilize the empty Spaces on their page for new applications.───因此Meebo能够通过IM作为一个基础,利用它们页面上的空余空间来开发新的应用程序。
They even hired actors to dress up as employees and hand out fliers outside the empty Spaces.───他们甚至雇佣演员扮演快餐厅的服务员在外面空地发放宣传单。
Many times we unconsciously seek a romantic relationship to fill the empty spaces in our lives and hearts. This never works.───很多时候我们会不自觉地寻找一段浪漫的恋情来填补空虚的生活和心灵,但是这绝对没用。
Canada was a small country, with unsettled borders, vast empty spaces, and a large powerful neighbour, the United States.───加拿大是一个小的国家,藉由未处理的边缘,巨大的空空间和一个大的有力邻居,美国。
The dark matter that everyone looks for is not in the empty spaces between things.───而每个人正在寻找的暗物质并不存在于事物的空白空间。
Some people feel like they don't deserve love. They walk away quietly into empty spaces, Trying to close the gaps to the past.───有些人认为他们注定得不到爱。他们静静的走向没有感情的未来,试图断绝和过去所有的联系。
I was an only child, accustomed to empty spaces filled comfortably with my own silence.───而我呢,我是家里唯一的孩子,已经习惯了享受一个人的独立空间。
Detects empty spaces at the beginning of a role definition name, it deletes the role.───检测到角色定义名称的开头有空格,则将删除该角色。
Do not leave empty spaces inside the box , instead fill the empty space with cushioning material .───不要在箱子中留有空隙,利用填充物将空间填实。
英语使用场景With downsizing and consolidation all the rage, owners are left with empty spaces and few choices in reusing them.
Of all the diversions of life, there is none so proper to fill up its empty spaces as the reading of useful and entertaining authors. Joseph Addison
The air of empty spaces still lingered around her.
The left hemisphere is not well equipped to deal with empty spaces.
The students were told to fill in the empty spaces with suitable adjectives.
Prosperity was an endless prairie, and corporations expanded almost exponentially to fill those empty spaces.
He tends to create images of empty spaces, of objects in isolation.
To guarantee earthquake protection even with all the empty spaces on the second floor, every floor slab is supported separately.
Residents of Russia's far east fear that China is planning to plunder their oil and timber and perhaps even to colonise their empty spaces.