y was是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-10-30 09:33:09 浏览次数:56
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相似词语短语as was───n.亚伯(男子名,等于Abraham)
dry wash───干河床
双语使用场景That track was really jungle-y but without as much melody - I think the melody was just his (singer Luke Haines') voice backwards.───那个音轨确实具有丛林音乐的风格,不过没有什么旋律——我想旋律就是(歌手卢克·海恩斯)后面唱的那些。
was quite confident and thought only he could save the comic industry of China.───是很自信的,他觉得中国漫画需要他去拯救。
Even if Gen Y was significantly better at using social software, it wouldn't matter at this point.───就算Y一代更擅长使用社交软件,现在这一点也不重要了。
The surface acidity of zeolite Y was studied by differential scanning calorimetry(DSC)and infrared spectroscopy(IR).───用DSC法和IR法对Y型分子筛的表面酸性进行了研究。
The synthetic condition of zeolite Y was between them.───Y型沸石的生成条件介于二者之间。
Actor Y was diagnosed with the HIV infection after a physical examination in a private hospital.───男星在一间私家医院进行例行检查时,被验出身染艾滋病毒。
y Here, you shouldn't see any y's anymore because y was your integration variable.───没有任何一项带有,这是因为之前y是积分变量。
英语使用场景Cyrus Teed, an alchemist from Utica , N. Y. , was one of the first people to popularize this idea.
My first day at the Y was a day at the races.
The surface acidity of zeolite Y was studied by differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) and infrared spectroscopy ( IR ).
Y., was not violating any regulation by operating without a windlass, officials said.
Every glove lace missing from the Y was on the worn carpet.
Though Han Hs ǚ eh - y ǚ was not a deaf - mute, he did have a slight stutter.