the long road是什么意思中文翻译
作者:毕业通查重 发表时间:2023-11-10 13:21:23 浏览次数:53
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相似词语短语the wrong crowd───错误的人群
the high road───大路
the long term───长期
the living dead───活死人
the long paddock───长围场
rolling road───滚筒道路模拟机
the Troad───特洛伊人
the last word───最后一句话;定论;最新成就,最新品种
the road───《路》
双语使用场景Honestly, this may not be a job for the long road ahead.───老实说,从长久来看这并不是一个好工作。
Remember, the long road of falling short eventually leads to victory.───记住,不断实现目标的长路上,最终通向的是成功。
he admitted his problem, he began the long road back.───他承认了自己的问题,开始了一段长期的浪子回头的历程。
If it is more tired, to rest a couple of months, after the long road yet, do not care about these days, first keep a good talk.───如果工作较累,就休息几个月吧,以后的路长着呢,不在乎这几天,先把养好再说。
Her heart was suddenly dull with pain , with weariness, as she thought of the long road she had come since those days.───思嘉想起从那些日子以来她所走过的漫长的道路,突然感到心里一阵阵的疼痛,感到痒在太疲倦了。
The Fourth of July weekend is upon us, and with it, the great American tradition of the long road trip.───七月的第四个周末即将来临,随之而来的,还有美国人传统的长途旅行。
Stepped forward determinedly, Mr. Johnson looked at the long road ahead of him.───约翰逊先生望着面前漫长的道路毅然挺身而出。
Go there once walked the streets, saw a look without a trace the long road, late at night where the desolate, there is no trace of my walk.───到那曾经走过的大街上,看到一望无迹长长的大路,深夜那儿冷冷清清,毫无我走过的痕迹。
Today, we are here the successful completion of the studies, however, the long road of life, and did not know the road to poverty.───今天,大家在这里圆满的完成了学业,但,人生之路漫长,求识之路未穷。
英语使用场景In early 1978 the Firefly was prepared to make the long road journey to its new home in Cambridgeshire.
Whenever I think of the arduousness in my early days and the long road to success, I will feel a sense of accomplishment.
They will be on the long road home on the following day, and few could afford to fly.
Along the long road and on down the causeway.
Stepped forward determinedly , Mr. Johnson looked at the long road ahead of him.
Jarvis began the long road to the Super Show two years ago, when the eyeshields he had bought failed his son.